
new ways of learning for all of our students


to find new ways of integrating technology the "right" way.


in a way that is easy for you to take what you see and use in your classroom

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

YouTube in Your Classroom

Do you YouTube?  Our kindergarten team has found YouTube to be a very helpful tool to enhance our curriculum.  We are always looking for new ways to engage our students and add a fun element to learning the skills they need to master.  Quick video clips are easy to find on YouTube on almost any topic you are teaching.  Some of our favorite clips are found by searching Have Fun Teaching, the Electric Company and Sesame Street on the YouTube site.   Be sure to preview all clips before showing them to your class.
Kindergarten Team- "Big K"
Vicky Hanna, Andrea Lentz, Julie White, and Carrie Price


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