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Block Poster and Coordinate Graphing

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Steps to using a block poster to teach graphing coordinates

1.     Find an image that you would like to make huge. I suggest finding an image that is only black and white or searching Google images for a coloring page that meets your needs. (The less black the less ink your printer will use.)
2.     Make sure you save the image as a GIF or JPEG. (Sometimes you have to save it first as a PDF and then you can save it as a GIF or JPEG)
3.     Go to and upload your picture
4.     Decide how large to make your poster. (I tend to choose the size based on the number of students I am working with, so each student gets a sheet.)
5.     Download your block poster.
6.     Print out your poster and remember how many columns you selected for your poster!!!!
7.     Your poster will layout from left to right starting with the top row first.
8.     Label your coordinates with sticky notes on the floor.
9.     Students grab their choice of the poster and tell you its corresponding coordinate.  I write this information on the back of the construction paper that the student will glue their piece of the block poster to. (You do not have to have them glue it to a piece of construction paper, but it does make the poster much sturdier. (I recommend doing it so they can paint on it and the paper won’t melt…
10. Lay butcher paper on the ground and let students start finding where their paper goes.
11. Tape each piece down to the butcher paper once they are all in the correct place.
12. Hang your poster and celebrate.

By: Ryan Wiggins, First Grade Teacher


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