
new ways of learning for all of our students


to find new ways of integrating technology the "right" way.


in a way that is easy for you to take what you see and use in your classroom


Thursday, April 26, 2012

             We love....                
Pinterest is a site that our kindergarten team uses all the time.  So here's our little ditty on Pinterest.  
     It is a free website.  Inside you will find anything and everything that can peak your interest from house decorating and cooking to classroom projects and organization.  Pinterest is an online bulletin board.  You can browse through ideas that are already pinned on the Pinterest board and then repin to your own bulletin boards that you taylor to your own interests.  Or, as you are surfing the web, you can create pins for yourself and others by following simple directions given on the Pinterest site.   It's highly long websites to try and remember.  Warning... it can be highly addictive because the potential for finding great ideas is unlimited!

Our kindergarten team consists of four full day sessions.  We are so busy and pulled in so many directions, but we still plan and teach together, collaborating, creating and sharing as much as possible.  One of the ways that we have found to help multiply our time is to share ideas using Pinterest.  When we can't physically be together Pinterest allows us the opportunities to visually share and brainstorm as if we were in the same room.  It is simply fabulous!  Give Pinterest a try and see for yourself:)

Kindergarten Team - "Big K"
Vicky Hanna, Andrea Lentz, Julie White, and Carrie Price


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