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A new site for math/science that makes me smile!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hi all!
Over this spring break I found a new amazing resource.  This website: is a collection of all the best science and math activities (tech and not) on the web.   The greatest thing about it is that you can create your own free account and set up lists to come back to at any time.  You can then visit lists created by other educators.  I spent far too much time on this website planning my next storyline that has a science focus.  To check out my first SMILE list, look for my username: mrsspeed.

Click here to visit SMILE

Here is a quote from their website to give you some more information:

"SMILE is an online collection of math and science activities available to anyone, free of charge. We are also a community of educators who contribute, use, and comment on activities at
SMILE stands for Science and Math Informal Learning Educators; we are a pathway (an audience-specific branch) of the National Science Digital Library ( SMILE's learning activities, tools, and services are available to all but are designed especially for those who teach school-aged children in non-classroom settings (like museums, zoos, aquaria, and afterschool or outdoor education programs). SMILE is dedicated to bringing the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities developed by informal science organizations around the country to the wider informal educator community, while encouraging that community to both use and contribute to SMILE's growing collection."

By: Jaime Speed, 5th Grade Teacher


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