
new ways of learning for all of our students


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Classroom Computers On the Move

Thursday, April 19, 2012

When you share lap top computers with other classes just the way you move them and share them can be frustrating and time consuming if a system is not taught to the students. Over the past 5 years I have made it as easy as possible to share 30 computers.
1.      By table group of 4 or 5 have the students wash hands and line up at he door.
2.     Have this first group walk down to the sharing class and pick up their computer from the cart.
3.     Have the next group washed and staged at the door waiting their turn.
4.     Continue this process with 4 or 5 students at a time waiting at the door to leave as the others come back with their computers.
5.     Remind your students to carry the computer flat like a pizza box and with two hands.
6.     When the first group comes back, let them log in and then “clam shell” the laptop to wait for class instructions. 
7.     This pick up/return process should take only 5 minutes when you have practiced.

To return the computers to the cart in the sharing classroom, just reverse by table group.  Again, once you have practiced this process it becomes quick and easy for everyone.
And the last tip: have the last student putting their computer away for the day check to make sure the power clip is plugged into all computers for the next class.
 !~No one likes to find a dead battery!

Submitted by;  Kathi Smith-Bolle  4th grade teacher


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