
new ways of learning for all of our students


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Simple Keynote "Movies"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    Apple’s Keynote is a simple way for students to publish their writing and share it with the world.  Here’s how we did it in room C-1.
     First, have the kids write a story.  Next, model breaking the story into chunks so the piece is spread across multiple pages in a meaningful way.  My students separated their stories by events; each event got its own page.
    Next, students sketched a quick picture that would support each event.  These sketches were their reference for creating more detailed pictures with colored pencils.
    Then the students took pictures of their artwork with a digital camera.  Once the photographs of their art were uploaded into iPhoto, it was easy to combine their art with their text in Keynote.
    To record themselves reading the story, the kids first practiced reading their piece carefully and clearly.  Once they were ready, the kids opened their Keynote project and recorded.  To record, click on the “Play” menu in the menu bar.  Select “Record Slideshow” to start recording.  Keynote will record your words and your clicks to advance to the next slide.
    When they finished, they played the slideshow to be sure it was up to snuff.  Finally, they  chose the “Share” menu and clicked “Export” to export their movies as  Quicktime.  Here is an example of the final product:

By: Patrick Flanagan, 4th grade teacher


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