
new ways of learning for all of our students


to find new ways of integrating technology the "right" way.


in a way that is easy for you to take what you see and use in your classroom

Friday, April 13, 2012

Frame by Frame-How to...
  1. Think of a story
  2. Create characters (clay, pipe cleaners, legos, etc)
  3. Create stage (box, lego scene, fabric background etc.)
  4. Set up camera (external on tripod or built in isight camera)  Secure set and camera!
  5. Take a gazillion pictures, telling your story with little movements
  6. Use stop motion software like Frame by Frame
  7. Here is the link to: Frame by Frame
A Few examples and Tutorials
Flying Effect Tutorial Stop Motion - YouTube -not super appropriate example, but shows how to

Beginners...just give it a try!
  1. Make a character out of some medium or use your own face:)
  2.   Start taking pictures.  Make slight movements with your character-try 20 or 30 frames
  3. When done clicking, scroll bar back to beginning and click on first frame
  4. Set FPS arrow to 10 and click play button
  5. Experiment with time to see what you like
1. Try making your character fly, jump, sit down, lay down, smile, etc.
2.  Add talking bubbles, extra characters, props, etc.
  1. While in Frame by Frame - File to export, name it and save to desktop
  2. Open imovie - File to import...movies - select your movie
  3. Drag your Frame by Frame clip up to editing section and play around - add music, voice over, sound effects, etc.

Made by:  Carrie Price, Kindergarten Teacher


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