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The Care and Feeding of Your Laptops

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here at Juniper, we have MacBooks for our students to use each day.  We adore these amazing tools, but we have one question to ask the Apple Company.  Why white???  Grubby hands and white laptops do not make a pretty pair, unless you teach your students how to take care of them.  Here are some tips we have learned over the years.

 Steps to Taking Care of Your Laptops
1. Have kids wash hands or use baby wipes before getting on the computers, that will lessen the amount of staining.
2.  When cleaning the laptops, the Mr. Clean magic eraser is amazing at removing stains from the white parts of the computer.  You can search for the less expensive variety by looking up its generic name of melamine foam.  Here is a link to it on
3. For the screen, avoid all paper products (such as kleenex or paper towels) and all wet products.  We find that swiffer dust rags or just any soft cloth gets the dust and finger prints off.
4.  Be sure not to close the laptop until everything is dry.
5.  Teach this process to a few kids in your class.  We call them the "techxperts."  They can then make sure the laptops are staying clean and plugged in while in the cart.

By: Phyllis Shore and Jaime Speed, 5th Grade Teachers


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